Recent Events


Eric’s Eagle Ceremony (January 26)

Camp Old Indian (January 3-5)



Jake’s Eagle Ceremony (March 10)

Rise Against Hunger (January 26)


District Camporee (November 2 – 4)

Cooking for Backpacking Demonstration


Clemson Merit Badge University


Lake Greenwood Camp-out (September 8-9)

Scouts circle up before leaving

The Campsite

Scouts in the lake

Mac (left) and Derek (right) at the ‘natural seesaw’

August 27, 2018 Court of Honor

Raja serving as Master of Ceremonies

(from left to right) Elliot, Tyler, Trey, Matthew, and Grant

Grant C. awarded his Star Scout rank

Matthew (left) and Grant R. (right), with Grant showing his merit badges

Mark D. presenting awards as his last job as Senior Patrol Leader before Charlie takes over

Charlie after getting elected for new Senior Patrol Leader

(from left to right) Raja, Mayson, and Michael

August 20, 2018 Troop Meeting

Scouts playing Ultimate Frisbee outside

(from left to right) Max, Mac, and Drew